
Academic course on Transnational Public Administration

The representatives of the UBC member cities are invited to an academic course on Transnational Public Adminstration which is arranged by Södertörn University in cooperation with Swedish Institute.
This academic course have been developed over the year and is now carried out for the first time. The deadline for application is 31 January 2020.
Being an academic course it gives 7.5 credits. The course will dig into challenges of transnational public administration. When does cooperation work and when does it not? Participants will also apply various perspectives from organization studies to relate the transnational dimension to their concrete work in their home organization. The course consists of theoretical modules combining the disciplines of public administration, political science, public law, business administration, and organization studies.
A few scholarships for housing during the course are available for participants from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. Those persons who wish to apply for this scholarship have to indicate this in their application.

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