
Call for Interest to host UBC SCC Event!

It’s a new decade and time to renew ourselves and reactivate our UBC network. The most important element of our network is our members: the cities and municipalities around the Baltic Sea Region. We want to engage you and your city in new ways of meeting and cooperating. Hereby we are launching a call for interest to host a UBC SCC event in your city!

The event will be tailored to the needs of your city. Below you can find the descriptions of the type of events we have successfully organized with our UBC member cities in the past.

Improve your city – Thematic event

Cities often struggle with finding pleasing solutions for local sustainability issues and problem areas. That is why we want to offer your city the opportunity to host a thematic event where experts from other UBC member cities can share tips and tricks with you for improving your city. Possible event themes are climate change, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, water management and many more. As a result of the thematic event, your city will get valuable feedback and input facilitating the development of your city’s future.

Showcase your city – Study visit

UBC member cities have a great amount of successful investments, tools, processes and campaigns related to sustainability that deserve to be showed off to the rest of the cities in our region. Host a study visit for your fellow colleagues from different UBC cities to showcase your best practices and share your experiences. Showcasing your achievements will allow you to disseminate your accomplishments to other UBC cities in need of inspiration and knowledge exchange.

Influence the Baltic Sea Region – Networking meeting

Navigating through the roadmaps of EU policies, regional strategies and cooperation opportunities for cities can be tough. We, the UBC SCC want to help you to bring your city’s needs and expertise to the table by facilitating the organization of a networking meeting. Hosting a networking meeting is an excellent occasion for your city to create added value for cross-border cooperation and learn more about different topics regarding sustainable development and project development. The networking meetings are intended for your city’s international coordinators and politicians who are eager to influence the Baltic Sea Region’s development.
The UBC SCC helps with the planning and facilitation and takes care of the promotion of the event to other UBC member cities.
Think about what kind of event you would like to organize and express your interest to the UBC SCC by filling out our registration form here by Friday, March 13th, 2020.
For more information on different networking possibilities please visit: