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Kalmar, Sweden, 27-28 March 1998



The 20th meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the Baltic Cities was held on the 27-28 March 1998 in the City of Kalmar, Sweden, upon the invitation of Mr Anders Engström, Mayor of Kalmar and President of the Union of the Baltic Cities.

The first day of the meeting was attended only by the members of the Executive Board. The second day was open for the representatives from all member cities.

FRIDAY, 27 March 1998

Opening of the meeting and adoption of the Agenda.

The 20th meeting of the UBC Executive Board was opened by Mr Anders Engström, the President of the Union. Mr Engström greeted all participants and wished them a successful meeting.

Mr Engström informed the Board that Mr Igor Kozhemiakin, Mayor of Kaliningrad and member of UBC Executive Board, died on the 23rd of March 1998. With the minute of silence, the Board paid a tribute to the memory of Mr Kozhemiakin, whose unexpected death was a great loss not only to the City of Kaliningrad but also to the Union of the Baltic Cities.

The meeting adopted the Agenda.

The President introduced the new member of the Executive Board, Mr Eugenijus Gentvilas, Mayor of Klaipėda and Mr Risto Veivo, new UBC Environmental Coordinator from Turku.

Election of two persons who, together with the President, will check the Minutes.

Ms Sandra Jonikane from Rēzekne and Mr Toivo Riimaa from Pärnu were elected to check the minutes.

Report from the Strategy Working Group.

President Engström reminded that at the last meeting in Aalborg the Board decided to establish a working group responsible for formulating the UBC Strategy and the Internal Regulations. The working group consists of the UBC Presidium and representatives of four cities: Copenhagen, Kaunas, Pori, Riga.

After Aalborg meeting the Secretariat sent out a short questionnaire to all member cities to find out cities views on UBC Strategy. The questionnaire was widely responded by member cities. The cities answers were the basis for the working meeting of the Strategy Group held in Copenhagen on February 25. The Working Group decided that Mr Bartłomiej Sochański, Vice-President, shall be responsible for formulating the Strategy and Mr Paweł Żaboklicki, Secretary General, for the Internal Regulations.

Draft of UBC Strategy.

Mr Bartłomiej Sochański presented an outline of the UBC Strategy, which was subsequently discussed by the Board members.


The Board adopted the following time-table for the Strategy formulation process:

· Circulation for comments to the Board Members and the Chairmen of the Commissions, deadline for comments May 15th.

· Strategy Working Group meeting, May 28th. Preparation of final proposal.

Klaipėda Board Meeting, June 26-27

· Circulation for comments to all member cities.

· National meetings if necessary.

Szczecin Board Meeting, November 6-7 (t.b.c.)

· Adaptation of final proposal

3.2 UBC Internal Regulations.

Mr Paweł Żaboklicki presented the latest draft of UBC Internal Regulations. The Regulations concern the following Union bodies: General Conference, Executive Board, Presidium, Commissions, Secretariat.


The Board Members and the Chairmen of the Commissions are requested to send their comments to the Regulations latest by the 15th of May.

Baltic Cities Social Charter

Mr Anders Engström informed that Mr Michael Bouteiller, UBC Vice-President proposed the Baltic Cities Social Charter to be discussed by the Board. Due to the absence of Mr Bouteiller, the question was not discussed. The Board expressed an opinion that UBC Charters eg. Social Charter, Charter on Sustainable Development, Charter on Equal Opportunities etc. shall be developed after formulation of UBC Strategy.

Report from the Baltic Sea Meeting in Copenhagen.

The President informed that the meeting was organised in accordance with the decision of major Baltic organisations made last year in Gdańsk to meet regularly to discuss cooperation and Baltic strategic issues. The Copenhagen meeting was held on February 25, in association with the CBSS Committee of Senior Officials meeting.

Financial report for 1997

Mr Paweł Żaboklicki, Secretary General, submitted UBC financial report for 1997. Mr Żaboklicki underlined that all member cities pay membership fees and the financial position of the Union is stable. Apart from UBC income (mainly membership fees) and expenditure the report includes additional contributions from member cities and UBC projects with external funding.


The Board adopted the report.

The President informed that some Commissions asked if they could use in 1998, the resources which they didn’t use last year.


The Board decided the Commissions may use the resources granted from the UBC budget during two years period beginning from 1997.

Additionally the Secretary informed about listed below financial applications. Mr Żaboklicki reminded that the budget for 1998-1999 has been already adopted by the General Conference in Gdańsk. The only reserve which might be use for below applications is 15.000$ from the UBC project fund.

1) The Commission on Culture applied for extra 18.000$ for its activities in 1998.

Having in mind the active work of the Commission on Culture, the Board decided to grant extra 5.000$ for the Commission’s activities in 1998.

2) The City of Lübeck applied for 5.500$ to co-finance the seaport conference to be held in autumn 1998.

The President informed that Lübeck has been instructed to forward its application to the Commission on Transportation.

3) Mrs Hjördis Höglund applied for 5.000$ for the activities of the UBC Women’s Network.

The Board decided to grant the Women’s Network with 5.000$ and asked Mrs Höglund to prepare an action plan of Network’s activities.

4) Ms Sonja Hilavuo (Communication Task Force) applied for 6.000$ for the Children Drawing Competition project

The Board decided to grant the Task Force with 6.000$ for the mentioned project.

Proposal to create the Commission on Education.

The President informed that two member cities ie. Norrtälje and Kärdla put forward the proposal to create the UBC Commission on Education. The Commission could deal with eg. pupils and students exchange, distance education, adult education etc.


The Board considered the proposal as very interesting and authorised Norrtälje and Kärdla to make a survey to find out which member cities would be interested to cooperate within the new Commission. Further decisions in question will be undertaken at the next Board meeting in Klaipėda.

Proposals from the Commissions.

The Commission on Social Affairs proposed to change its name to the Commission on Social and Health Affairs.


The Board accepted the proposal.

Proposals from Member Cities.

The City of Elblag requested UBC to take the patronage over the project called “Baltic Beetle Tour” – a tour of old VW beetles around the Baltic Sea.


The Board considered the Elbląg proposal as very interesting and decided to take the patronage over the event. UBC member cities to be visited by the tour are requested to give all possible assistance to the organisers.

The City of Klaipėda proposed a project for artists from all member cities named “Games of sand”. The artists will create sculptures on the beach using sand, water, stones, tree branches etc.


The Board encouraged the member cities to take part in the project and asked the Commission on Culture to include the event in the programme of Commission’s activities.

Questions raised.

President Anders Engström informed that the day before the meeting St.Petersburg sent a fax asking for UBC support for St.Petersburg to become European Cultural Capital in 2003.


The Board authorised the Chairman of UBC Commission on Culture to check which UBC member cities applied to become European Cultural Capital in 2003. The decision about UBC support will be made at the next Board meeting in Klaipėda.

SATURDAY, 29 November 1997

Report from the Board meeting of November 28.

President Anders Engström summarised the main issues discussed by the Board on the previous day.

New Member Cities.

President Anders Engström informed the Executive Board about new application for Union Membership submitted by the City of Koszalin, Poland. Mr Engström gave the floor to Mr Jerzy Krauze, Head of Foreign Relations in Koszalin. Mr Krauze made a presentation introducing the City of Koszalin, and on behalf of the city authorities, requested the Board to accept Koszalin as UBC member city.


The Board decided to accept the City of Koszalin (Poland) as a Member of the Union of the Baltic Cities and wished Koszalin a successful cooperation with other UBC members.

Moreover Mr Imants Timermanis, Deputy Mayor of Cēsis (Latvia) introduced the City of Cēsis, which was accepted as UBC member at the previous Board meeting in Aalborg.

Reports from the Commissions.

The following persons submitted the reports on Commissions’ activities since the IV UBC General Conference in Gdańsk, on 12-13 September 1998.

· Commission on Business Cooperation: Mr Torsten Lilja, Stockholm

· Commission on Communication: Mr Lars Malmborg, Kalmar

· Commission on Culture: Mr Sławomir Szafrański, Szczecin

· Commission on Environment: Mr Mikko Jokinen, Turku

· Commission on Social Affairs: Ms Petra Hamann, Rostock

· Commission on Sport: Mr Zdzisław Urla, Gdynia

· Commission on Tourism: Mr Leif Nilsson, Kalmar

· Commission on Transportation: Mr Andrzej Jankowski, Gdańsk


The Board took note of submitted reports.

Report from the Project Manager.

Mr Juhan Janusson, UBC Project Manager, reported on the results of UBC project applications submitted to Baltic Small Projects Facility in September 1997 and informed about new UBC applications submitted to BSPF in March.

Information on UBC-EU Project status.

Ms Ewa Kurjata, European Liaison Officer in Szczecin, reported on the current status of UBC-EU Information Project. Ms Kurjata informed that the application for project continuation submitted to BSPF in October 1997 has been rejected due to a number of reasons.

Report from the Communication Task Force.

Ms Sonja Hilavuo, chairman of UBC Task Force for Public Relations and Communication, expressed thanks to the Board for granting the Children Drawing Competition project with 6000$. Ms Hilavuo warmly invited all member cities to take part in the next meeting of the Task Force to be held in Szczecin on 25-27 May 1998.

Report from the Working Group on Town Planning.

Mr Jussi Kautto, Development Chief from Helsinki, reported on the latest actions of the UBC Working Group on Town Planning. The report is attached along with the reports from the Commissions. Mr Kautto informed that the proposal to establish the UBC Commission on Town Planning will be submitted at the next meeting of the Executive Board in Klaipėda.

Baltic Sea Tourism Alliance.

Mr Arne Ellefors, Executive Director of Baltic Sea Tourism Commission (BTC) put forward a proposal to establish the Baltic Sea Tourism Alliance connecting the major Baltic organisations interested in tourism development. The first action of such alliance would be joint implementation of Cultural Heritage Programme BALDER.


The Board decided UBC shall join the Baltic Sea Tourism Alliance and encouraged the member cities to participate in BALDER programme. The chairman of UBC Commission on Tourism has been appointed to represent UBC in the alliance.

Opening of the yacht port in Leba.

Mrs Marta Chełkowska, Secretary of the smallest UBC member city (4000 inhabitants), invited all member cities to the opening of the marina in Łeba on June 27. The construction of the marina has been co-financed by the Phare Programme.

The Board encouraged all member cities interested in yachting to establish contacts with Łeba.

Report from the Öland Folk-highschool.

The President reminded that the model Swedish adult education carried out by folk highschools was presented at the Board meeting in Klaipėda in 1993. Since then the efforts have been taken to introduce this model in eastern Baltic countries. Mr Gunnar Aldestan from Öland Folk-highschool presented the folk highschool project for Kaliningrad.

Reports from the conferences attended by Union’s representatives.

The following delegates submitted reports from the conferences where they represented the Union of the Baltic Cities:

· Waterfront Urban Development project, Gdańsk, 16 February 1998 – reported by Mr Juhan Janusson

· Baltic Sea 2008 project, Gdańsk, 20 February 1998 – reported by Mr Anders Engström

· CBSS CSO meeting, Copenhagen, 25 February 1998 – reported by Mr Anders Engström

· VASAB Seminar on Urban Networking, Tartu, 19-20 March 1998 – reported by Mr Lars Malmborg

· Conference of Baltic Ministers of Industry and Economics, Gdansk, 20 March 1998 – reported by Mr Paweł Żaboklicki

Matters raised at the meeting.

No further questions have been raised.

Next Meeting of the Executive Board.

Mr Eugenijus Gentvilas, Mayor of Klaipėda, maintained his proposal to hold the next (21th) meeting of the UBC Executive Board in Klaipėda on 26-27 June 1998.


The Board accepted the proposal.

Closing of the Meeting.

Mr Anders Engström expressed his thanks to all participants for the fruitful meeting and closed the XX Meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the Baltic Cities.

Mr Anders Engström                          Mr Paweł Żaboklicki

Chairman                                           Secretary

Ms Sandra Jonikane                          Mr Toivo Riimaa

Adjuster                                           Adjuster