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The 29th meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the
Baltic Cities was held on the 4th of November 2000 in the City of Kolding,
Denmark, upon the invitation of Mr Per Bødker Andersen, Mayor of Kolding.

The meeting was attended by the Members of the Executive Board.

    1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda.

      The 28th meeting of the UBC Executive Board was opened by
      Mr Anders Engström, the President of the Union. Mr Engström greeted
      all participants and wished them a successful meeting.

      Mr Per Bødker Andersen, Mayor of Kolding, welcomed all delegates and
      wished them the fruitful discussions and a pleasant stay in Kolding.
      Mr Andersen made a short presentation introducing the city of Kolding.


    1. Election of two persons who, together with the President, will
      check the minutes.

      Ms Lis Lykke Skov, Chairman of International Committee, Kolding and Mr
      Peeter Tulviste, Chairman of the City Council, Tartu, were elected to
      check the minutes.


    1. New Member Cities.

      Mr Paweł Żaboklicki, Secretary General, informed the Executive Board
      about the applications for Union membership submitted by the cities of
      Tukums (Latvia), Võru (Estonia) and Marijampolė (Lithuania).


      The Board decided to accept mentioned cities as Members of the Union
      of the Baltic Cities and wished them fruitful cooperation with other
      UBC member cities. The number of Union members reached the figure 99.


    1. UBC Commission on Transportation.

      President Anders Engström reminded that at the last
      meeting, the Board authorised Mr Maciej Lisicki, Gdańsk, to contact
      the chairman of the Commission on Transportation from Pruszcz and
      discuss to move the leadership of the Commission to another UBC member
      city, due to lack of Commission activities. Mr Engström informed that
      the City of Göteborg expressed an interest to take the leadership of
      the Commission. Göteborg is interested mostly in public transport;
      other aspects of transportation could be delegated to other interested

      Mr Lisicki informed that due to lack of resources the city of Pruszcz
      decided to terminate its leading role in the Commission on


      The Board decided to nominate the City of Göteborg as the leading city
      in the UBC Commission on Transportation.


    1. Financial matters.

      5.1 Membership fees 2000.

      Mr Paweł Żaboklicki informed that the financial situation of the
      UBC is secure. Most of the member cities paid the membership fee in
      the time scheduled.

      So far the fee was not paid by the city of Kaliningrad and the
      satellite cities of St.Petersburg ie. Kronshtadt, Lomonosov, Peterhof,
      Sestroreck. Kaliningrad promised in written to pay the fee in
      November, due to difficult financial situation in the city.

      Ms Natalia Vasilyeva informed that St.Petersburg would pay the fee for
      the satellite cities in two weeks time.


      The Board commissioned mentioned cities to pay their fees by 30
      November 2000.

      5.2 UBC EU-Coordinator.

      President Engström informed the Board, that UBC has not yet received
      the decision of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the
      continuation of financing Mr Juhan Janusson, UBC EU-Coordinator. Mr
      Engström reminded that so far Mr Janusson’s remuneration and business
      travels have been financed from three sources ie. Swedish MFA, UBC and
      the city of Kalmar.


      The Board decided to wait with the decision on prolonging the
      engagement of Mr Janusson until the answer from the Swedish Government
      is known. In case of negative answer, the Board authorised the
      Presidium to search for other financial sources.

      5.3 Application from the Youth Network.

      President Engström stressed that it is very important task for the UBC
      to encourage the young generation to get involved into the local
      politics. UBC supports the creation of a network uniting young people
      from our member cities. In September the President sent out a
      questionnaire to all member cities to check how the youth questions
      are handled in the cities. He also asked cities to appoint contact
      persons responsible for youth matters in the city.

      Mr Engström informed about the application from the Youth Network for
      5000 Euro for the network activities and 5000 Euro for the secretariat
      in 2001 and 2002. He suggested to postpone the decision on financing
      until the details on proposed activities are given.


      The Board decided to postpone the decision on financing the Youth
      Network until the programme of activities has been prepared by the


    1. Information on Baltic University Programme.

      Professor Lars Ryden, Director of Baltic University Programme,
      Uppsala, made a presentation introducing BUP’s background, aims and
      activities. BUP is a network of universities, initiated by Uppsala
      University in Sweden in 1991. Today some 170 universities in the 14
      countries within the Baltic Sea Basin take part in the programme. BUP
      have developed courses on environmental science, democracy, security,
      social change and sustainable development. Courses are produced in
      English language but are being translated into Polish, Russian and

      Mr Ryden agreed that there is a need to enhance cooperation between
      the cities and universities in order to advance the development of the
      Baltic Sea region.

      The Board warmly thanked Professor Ryden for his presentation and
      expressed hope for further close and mutually beneficial cooperation
      between the UBC and BUP.


    1. Cooperation between cities and universities.

      At the last Board meeting in St.Petersburg, Mr
      Eugenijus Gentvilas, UBC Vice-President, put forward the idea to
      discuss the question how to stimulate better cooperation between the
      cities and universities. The Board authorised Mr Gentvilas to prepare
      a background paper on existing cooperation between cities and
      universities. Having in mind above Mr Gentvilas sent out a
      questionnaire to all member cities. 15 cities replied to the
      questionnaire. On the basis of the questionnaire Mr Gentvilas compiled
      and presented an overview of the cooperation between cities and
      universities in the UBC.

      The presentation was followed by the discussion.

      Mr Juhan Janusson put forward the proposal to create a network of UBC
      cities that have universities.

      Mr Peeter Tulviste, Tartu, proposed to organise a UBC conference on
      the great scale where cities, universities and business would discuss
      how to improve cooperation between these three important actors in
      order to advance the development of the Baltic Sea region.

      Ms Cay Sevon, Turku, agreed on importance of organising such
      conference and stressed that all member cities should be invited, not
      only the ones which have universities.

      Ms Anne-Grete Strom-Erichsen, Bergen, presented the cooperation
      between the city of Bergen, the university and the chamber of

      Mr Anders Engström informed about conference on Cities and
      Universities in Partnership, to be held on 8 November in Helsinki.

      Mr Lars Ryden informed the Board about the 2nd Baltic Meeting Point
      conference to be held in Uppsala in May 2001. The conference will
      gather representatives of cities, universities and business. Mr Ryden
      proposed UBC to take active part in the conference eg. through running
      one of the workshops. Mr Risto Veivo, Turku, informed that the
      Commission on Environment will be involved in one of the conference
      workshops. Mr Paweł Żaboklicki informed that information about the
      conference will be published in the next issue of Baltic Cities


      The Board appointed a working group consisting of Bergen, Klaipėda and
      Tartu, aimed at initiating the UBC network of cities with
      universities. The group should also cooperate with the Baltic
      University Programme. It was also decided that UBC would take part in
      the Baltic Meeting Point conference.


    1. Report from the UBC EU-Coordinator.

      8.1 UBC Interreg III initiative – update.

      Mr Juhan Janusson reported from the meeting of UBC-BSSSC-CPMR Working
      Group which task was to create a program for cooperation between local
      and regional authorities in the BSR and submit the application for
      funding to Interreg III B. Mr Janusson sent out a questionnaire to all
      member cities asking cities to list the potential projects that could
      be funded within the programme. He received about 60 project

      UBC has struggled for a new facility for small and medium sized
      projects between the local authorities, since the last programs
      disappeared in 1998. The UBC President has taken up the matter in many
      CBSS meetings as well as in Brussels. Mr Janusson stressed that
      “the voices from the BSR” have been heard in Brussels. On 27
      October the European Commission adopted a document named “Phare
      2000 review – Strengthening Preparations For Membership” prepared
      Mr Gunther Verheugen, EU Commissioner on Enlargement.

      Mr Verheugen introduces two new possibilities for small and medium
      sized cooperation projects between local and regional authorities. The
      first is connected to Interreg III, and the second is a new twinning
      scheme. In the BSR, Phare will finance accession country participation
      in the Interreg III B projects. Also – what is crucial for our region
      – the maritime borders in the BSR will be eligible for funding.

      Mr Janusson concluded that there will be a program for small and
      medium sized cooperation projects in the framework of Interreg III B
      and the financing of the eastern partners looks secured. The call for
      projects is to be published in September 2001.

      President Engstrom asked the Board members from Phare countries to
      influence their Ministries responsible Phare CBC to secure appropriate
      funds within Phare to enable cities to participate in the Interreg III

      Vice-President Gentvilas suggested Mr Janusson to inform cities about
      the new funding facility during the next meeting of UBC
      EU-Coordinators Network.

      8.2 Cooperation with LVRLAC – update.

      Mr Juhan Janusson informed that cooperation project between UBC and
      LVRLAC will consist of several activities directed to Lake Victoria
      cities such as: study tour for LVRLAC officials in the BSR; Internet
      installation and training; environment pedagogical centres;
      strengthening of LVRLAC secretariat; creation of LVRLAC women’s
      network etc. Different actions will be coordinated by specialists from
      UBC member cities.

      The project is financed by the Swedish International Development
      Agency SIDA. The agreement between UBC and SIDA is being finalised.
      The project duration is 3 years and the budget is 1.000.000 SEK per
      year. UBC acts as consultant in the project. The consultancy fee will
      be transferred to the UBC budget. UBC has no costs in relation with
      the project.

      8.3 3rd Seminar of the UBC EU-Coordinators Network.

      The 3rd seminar of the UBC EU-Coordinators Network was held in Jēkabpils on 29-30 September 2000. The seminar was devoted to the EU
      projects, particularly fund raising and project implementation. The
      seminar was run by experienced EU consultant Mr Jan Blomstrand.

      Mr Janusson informed that Ms Karin Wessman, Kalmar, has terminated her
      work as a leader of UBC EU-Coordinators Network. Ms Charlotte Pedersen
      from Aalborg will be the new leader of the network.

      Mr Janusson also informed that presently the Technical University of
      Tallinn, Computer Technology Department for Handicapped, is working on
      the UBC EU-Coordinators network website.

      Mr Janusson reminded that the Network had three – related to each
      other – seminars so far. He indicated that most of the cities from
      Poland and Baltic States sent different person to each seminar. Mr
      Janusson recommended the cities to delegate one person (city
      EU-Coordinator) to all seminars.

      Mr Anders Engström stressed that it is extremely important for cities
      in applicant countries to have the EU Coordinator and give all
      possible support to his/her work.

      Next meeting of the UBC EU-Coordinators Network is planned to be held
      in Kotka, Finland, in spring 2001.

      8.4 Information on ISPA.

      Mr Janusson informed the Board about the new EU program ISPA –
      Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-accession. ISPA is one of
      the EU’s three financial assistance programmes set up to assist the 10
      candidate countries in CEE to prepare for accession. Program supports
      infrastructure projects in the fields of transport and environment.
      ISPA’s budget in the period 2000-2006 is 1.040 million Euro. The
      proposed projects must fit into a national strategy of each candidate
      country. It is up to the national coordinator (appointed by the
      government) to prioritise the projects. However the cities have also a
      possibility to turn directly to ISPA with the project proposals.

      Mr Janusson informed that he met the director of ISPA at DG REGIO Mr
      Marc Franco. Mr Franco expressed the readiness to attend the UBC Board
      meeting an give direct information on the program.


      The Board decided to invite a representative of ISPA directorate to
      the next Board meeting.


    1. Reports from the conferences attended by Union representatives.

      The following delegates submitted reports from the conferences where
      they represented the Union of the Baltic Cities:

        • 9th Ministerial Session of CBSS, Bergen, 21-22
          June 2000 – reported by Anders Engström


        • 24th INTA Annual Congress, Bergen, 19-23 June
          2000 – reported by Armas Lahoniitty and Cay Sevon


        • Conference on Northern Dimension, Schwerin, 1
          September 2000 – reported by Anders Engström


        • Parliamentary Conference on Cooperation in the
          BSR, Malmo, 4-5 September 2000 – reported by Juhan Janusson


        • Eurocities Seminar ‘Cities meeting challenges of
          EU membership’, Brussels, 26 September 2000 – reported by Juhan


        • Conference on Decentralised Cooperation,
          Stockholm, 17-18 October 2000 – reported by Eugenijus Gentvilas
          and Anders Engström


        • Eurocities Conference “Cities as driving
          forces for change”, Leipzig, 25-27 October 2000 – reported by
          Armas Lahoniitty


      • BSSSC Conference, Parnu, 27-28 October 2000 –
        reported by Juhan Janusson

        Mrs Karin Wohlgemuth, Rostock, proposed that all member cities
        should be informed in advance about the conferences to be attended
        by UBC representatives. She also stressed that it would be very
        useful for the Board members to receive the written reports from
        the conferences before the Board meetings. The Board supported the


    1. Information on UBC website.

      Ms Anna Sośnicka, UBC Secretariat, made on-line
      presentation introducing the UBC internet homepage
      She presented the structure of the website ie. the links and gave
      information on statistics concerning the number of visits on
      respective links. Ms Sośnicka recommended the newest link on the
      homepage named “Documentation Centre” that includes all
      major UBC documents.

      The Board expressed its satisfaction to the UBC Secretariat in Gdańsk
      and to the Webmaster in Szczecin for maintaining the high level of the
      UBC internet homepage.


    1. Questions raised at the meeting.

      Mr Anders Engström informed about the cooperation with other
      organisations. CBSS proposed to discuss working methods, information
      routines and “common voice” towards Brussels. President
      Engström met Mr Heimsoeth, Chairman of CSO CBSS, to discuss above
      questions. UBC has also often working contacts with BSSSC, Eurocities
      and CPMR BSC.

      Mrs Lillian Westerberg informed about the “Guidelines for
      Cooperation between UBC and Eurocities East West Committee”
      prepared by Claus Schultze, Juhan Janusson and herself. The guidelines
      have been adopted by the Eurocities East West Committee. Mrs
      Westerberg suggested that UBC should also adopt this document. The
      Board decided to adopt the guidelines if there is no comments from the
      Board members within two weeks time.

      Mr Engström informed the Board about the question from CPMR BSC,
      whether CPMR could permanently participate in the UBC Executive Board
      meetings. The Board underlined that Board meetings deal with internal
      UBC matters and stressed that representatives of other organisations
      are welcome to participate in these meetings in case there is concrete
      issue to be discussed.

      Mr Risto Veivo, UBC Environmental Coordinator, informed the Board
      about the EU’s Community Framework for cooperation to promote
      sustainable urban development. The framework is a four-year program to
      support European networks’ work on sustainable urban development.


    1. Next Meeting of the Executive Board.

      President Engström presented the invitation of the Mayor of Cēsis, Mr
      Janis Beikmanis, to host the next meeting of the Executive Board.


      The Board decided to hold its 30th meeting in the City of Cēsis,
      Latvia, on 16-18 March 2001.


  1. Closing of the Meeting.

    Mr Anders Engström expressed his thanks to all participants for the
    fruitful meeting and to the City of Kolding for its warm hospitality
    and closed the 29th Meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the
    Baltic Cities.

Mr Anders Engström  – Chairman
Mr Paweł Żaboklicki –  Secretary
Ms Lis Lykke Skov – Adjuster
Mr Peeter Tulviste – Adjuster