

Participatory budgeting is a process of democratic decision-making in which ordinary people take part in preparing and adopting a municipal or public budget. In the Baltic Sea region, only a few municipalities have applied participatory budgeting to date.
A typical type of citizen in such a process is male, politically active, welleducated, and 35-65 years old. The objective of EmPaci is to get more municipalities involved and mobilise different types of citizens by building municipal capacities, transnational clusters and municipality-citizen cooperation.

The „Guidelines for municipality representatives and communication specialists working with municipalities to help in the preparation of a comprehensive Participatory Budgeting process” are now available! This document was developed by the Interreg  BSR EmPaci project partners to promote the implementation of the Citizens’ Budget in the Baltic Sea Region.
The full material is available at:

Project budget: EUR 1.9 million
Lead partner:  University of Rostock, Germany
Project partners: 14

UBC is the Associated Partner.

EmPaci Postcard

EmPaci results presentation