
Erasmus+ European Youth Together 2020 Call for proposals

The Youth Team in EACEA announces the launch of the Erasmus+ European Youth Together Call for proposals (EYT2020, EACEA/10/2020).  Please also see the Commission’s press corner and Commissioner Mariya Gabriel’s statement today

The call deadline for applying is 28th of July 2020, 17.00 CET. A total budget of € 5 million is available to support Europe-wide networks of youth organisations active at grassroots level.

A new objective is being introduced in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The active involvement is advised, as an immediate response is required to help mitigate the socio-economic impacts, including capacity building and specific measures to deal with Covid-19 crisis recovery in the youth sector.

The link to the European Youth Together 2020 grants:…

There will be organised an online information meeting regarding this call in June. The exact date and time will be announced on the call page and in the news section of the EACEA website.

In case of any question do not hesitate to send it to this email address, indicating “EYT 2020 Call for proposals” in the subject of your message.

European Commission
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Unit A5 – Erasmus+ Youth, EU Solidarity Corps and Aid Volunteers
Mail – Avenue du Bourget 1, BE-1049 Brussels