
Fill in the Erasmus+ project questionnaire

UBC is participating in the European project titled Creative Repurposing of Educational Spaces for Innovative Student-centred Environments (CREST), financed by Erasmus+ programme, that is addressing the ways of how and where the learning and teaching processes take place. The aim of the project is to build a model for repurposing of educational buildings and spaces to accommodate student-centred learning through the perspective of learning environment.

An important part of the project’s first phase is identification of needs of different stakeholders involved in management and re-purposing of educational and public spaces, therefore we are turning with this short survey to provide us information and feedback. Your inputs will be crucial for development of a model for repurposing of educational buildings and spaces based on collaboration and involvement of all relevant actors.



19 February 2021
Please forward this link to respective department(s) in your municipality, e.g. education, planning, architecture.