
Investment and cooperation possibilities in Kalmar

Kalmar is constantly trying to attract investment to the municipality. There is a Science park supporting the start up´s specifically in the field of digitalisation.

Kalmar has a number of well established companies which are working on the international market, but there are also many smaller companies that lacks the resources to look for and establish themselves at new markets. Kalmar municipality has not got an investment agency. Though the companies are supported by the Regional Chamber of commerce and by the national investment agency Business Sweden

Kalmar County Museum and Kalmar County Theatre are culture institutions which are working internationally and are constantly looking for new interesting partners and cooperation.

The municipality is looking for expertise in such areas as: civic participation, initiatives for youth, refugees integration, gender equality, sports, environment, city planning, safety issues, entrepreneurship. Depending on the current situation, in each field municipality could offer expertise as a partner for example in an international project.

In our opinion UBC is an important network to get in touch with potential project partners.

More information:  Anders Almqvist,