Smart and Prospering Cities Commission webinar

The next SPCC webinar “The City of the Future” will be held on 22 October 2021, 11.00 CET.
Come and join the UBC seminar The City of the Future!
In the third edition of the 2021 Smart and Prospering Cities seminar series we explore the thesis that the city of the future has four key characteristics: Part of a mega-region. Creative. Radically digital. International.
➔ In an increasingly complex world cities won’t stand alone but will identify itself as essential components of a mega-region.
➔ How can creative forces initiate, promote and shape transformation processes in a city?
➔ They will be radically digital, offering frictionless citizen services and enabling sustainable, efficient infrastructure.
➔ And finally the city of the future will be international, leveraging highly functional partnerships that benefits each other and our entire globalised society.
Join the discussion with our distinguished guests:
Thomas Becker // Managing Director, STRING Adiam Tedros // Head of the Development Programme Unit, Swedish Institute Christian Pfromm // CDO, Hamburg Tim Ole Jöhnk // Director, Northern Germany Innovation Office, San Francisco