Chair of the Commission Head of the Project Management Office Education Division / City of Turku
Tel. +358 44 9073 166
Vice Chair of the Learning Cities Commission
Head of Department
City Hall
Teatergade 8
DK-4700 Næstved
Upon the initiative of the Task Force on Youth Employment and Well-being, with a support of Liepaja (Latvia), Naestved (Denmark), Riga (Latvia), Rostock (Germany), Turku (Finland) and Århus (Denmark), the UBC Executive Board decided to establish a temporary Commission on Education. This decision was confirmed by the UBC General Assembly. The new commission is named Learning Cities Commission.
The new Commission will carry out the work plan of the Task Force on Youth Employment and Well-being. It will strengthen the UBC cooperation in the field of education, and also deepen the cooperation with the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Policy Area Education (PA EDU). New projects, workshops and conferences are planned.
The UBC General Conference decided to establish a Task Force on youth employment and well-being in Mariehamn on October 2013. It was set to work until the next UBC General Conference 2015, in which it presented its final report. Task Force met six times during the years 2014 and 2015 with 27 experts representing 15 member cities and six countries contributing to the work.
The report suggested certain measures that are listed below:
In 2015 General Conference UBC decided to continue the work of the work the Task to help the implementation of the suggested measures.
During the last three years Task Force has strengthened a cooperation with the EUBSR (European Union Baltic Sea Region) Flagship School to Work (S2W). The Flagship aims to strengthen transnational cooperation between stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region in the field of education and works in order to prevent early school leaving and develop new support methods for vulnerable groups of students/youth, which means that their goals are parallel to the ones of the Task Force.
Task Force offers the following possibilities and services to the UBC member cities:
Commission meetings: