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Stockholm, Sweden, 25 January 1997



The 16th meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the Baltic Cities was held on the 25th of January 1997 in the City of Stockholm, Sweden, upon the invitation of Mr Mats Hulth, Lord Mayor of the City of Stockholm.

The meeting was attended by the members of the UBC Executive Board, chairmen of Union’s working Commissions, representatives of applying cities and invited guests.

Opening of the meeting and adoption of the Agenda.

The 16th meeting of the UBC Executive Board was opened by Mr Anders Engström, the President of the Union. Mr Engström greeted all participants and wished them a successful meeting.

The welcome words were given by Mr Dag Larsson, Deputy Mayor of Stockholm, who wished all delegates a pleasant stay and fruitful conference in Stockholm. Mr Larsson introduced the participants with basic information concerning the city of Stockholm.

Subsequently the participants shortly introduced themselves.

Election of two persons who, together with the President, will check the minutes.

Mrs Hjördis Höglund from Sundsvall and Mr Dag Larsson from Stockholm were elected to check the minutes.

New UBC Member Cities.

Mr Paweł Żaboklicki, UBC Secretary General informed the Executive Board about new applications for Union Membership submitted by the cities of: Kemi (Finland), Kolding (Denmark), Malmö (Sweden), Oxelösund (Sweden), Pori (Finland).

The following representatives of applying cities made introductions of their towns:

Mr Jorma Virtanen, Deputy Mayor, Kemi

Mrs Lis Lykke Skov, Chairwoman of Town-Twinning Committee, Kolding

Mr Ilmar Reepalu, Mayor, Malmö

Mr Christer Wargert, City Manager, Oxelösund

Mr Aulis Laaksonen, Deputy Mayor, Pori


The Board decided to accept above cities as the Members of the Union of the Baltic Cities and wished them successful cooperation with other UBC members. The number of Union member cities reached the figure of 69.

Additionally, Mr Sven-Olof Lindfors, Chairman of the Executive Board in the city of Mariehamn, made short presentation about his city. Mariehamn has been accepted as UBC member at the last Executive Board meeting in Pärnu.

Mr Kari Salmi, Mayor of the City of Lahti (Finland) informed, that Lahti will make a decision to join UBC in February/March 1997.

Reports from working Commissions.

Commission on Communication.

The report from the Commission on Communication was submitted by Mr Lars Malmborg from Kalmar, chairman of the Commission. Mr Malmborg informed about the establishing of Baltic Sea Alliance – a platform for communication for key Baltic organisations.


The Board took note of the report and appointed Mr Lars Malmborg as UBC representative to Baltic Sea Alliance.

Commission on Culture.

The report from the Commission on Culture was submitted by Mr Sławomir Szafrański from Szczecin, chairman of the Commission and Mr Olov Gibson from Visby.


The Board took note of the report.

Commission on Environment.

The report from the Commission on Environment was submitted by Mr Mikko Jokinen from Turku, co-chairman of the Commission.

Mr Esko Sorakunnas, UBC Environmental Coordinator introduced the first issue of UBC Environmental Bulletin.

Additionally, Mr Anders Engström and Mr Peter Gavelin from Sundsvall reported from the Conferences of Ministers of Environment and Spatial Planning held in Stockholm on 20-22 October 1996. The Ministers made a decision to work out the Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region. To fulfill this task, a Senior Officials group was appointed. Apart from 10 Baltic countries also the European Commission, financial institutions, UBC, Helcom, International Chamber of Commerce and some NGO’s were invited to the Senior Officials group.


The Board took note of the report.

The Board declared UBC’s active involvement in the creation of Agenda 21 for the BSR and appointed Mr Peter Gavelin from Sundsvall to represent the Union in the Senior Officials group.

Commission on Social Affairs.

The report from the Commission on Social Affairs was submitted by Mr Ulrich Bauermeister from Rostock, chairman of the Commission. Mr Bauermeister reminded, that Commission will organize a conference on Labour Market and Social Policy in the BSR to be held in Rostock, on 6-7 March 1997 and once again invited all member cities to participate in the event.

Additionally, Mr Carl-Einar Jorgensen, chairman of Social Hansa reported from two conferences in which UBC was also involved:

– Conference The Elderly and the Society held in Copenhagen, on 20-25 September 1996,

– Basic-Start-Conference held in Lübeck, on 6 December 1996.

Mr Jorgensen proposed to strengthen the cooperation between Social Hansa and UBC Commission on Social Affairs.


The Board took note of the Commission’s report and encouraged the member cities to take part in Rostock conference.

The Board recommended the Commission to develop further cooperation with Social Hansa.

Commission on Sport.

The report from the Commission on Sport was submitted by Mr Zdzisław Urla from Gdynia, chairman of the Commission.


The Board took note of the report.

Commission on Tourism.

The report from the Commission on Tourism was submitted by Mr Leif Nilsson from Kalmar, chairman of the Commission.


The Board took note of the report.

Commission on Transportation.

The report from the Commission on Transportation was submitted by Mr Włodzimierz Machczyński, representative of the Commission from Gdańsk. Mr Machczyński informed, that the city of Gdańsk decided to allocate certain resources to establish small secretariat of the Commission.

Mrs Sylvia Gourova from Kaliningrad informed about short-sea shipping project involving Kaliningrad, Gdańsk, Rostock and Szczecin, financed by Ecos-Ouverture.


The Board took note of the report.

The Board encouraged the Commission to put more attention on city-related transportation problems i.e. increasing city traffic, public transport, city transport means and routes.

Proposal to establish UBC Commission on (Urban) Planning.

Mr Jussi Kauto, Head of Planning Office in Helsinki put forward a proposal to set up new UBC Commission on Urban/Spatial Planning. Apart from the exchange of experiences between member cities in the field of physical planing, the new Commission would complement at the local level the work carried out by VASAB 2010.


The Board expressed the opinion, that Union of the Baltic Cities should become active in the field of urban and spatial planning.

The Board decided to appoint a working group consisting of Helsinki, Malmö, St.Petersburg, Umeå (and Elbląg if interested), which task shall be to work out the best model for UBC involvement in this field.

Report from the UBC Project Manager.

Mr Juhan Janusson, UBC Project Manager submitted report describing his work since XV Executive Board Meeting in Pärnu.

Project Manager also informed about the budgets and deadlines of EU programmes concerning the BSR such as ECOS-OUVERTURE, BSPF, INTERREG IIC. Mr Janusson emphasized, that following the demands of various parties including UBC the ECOS-OUVERTURE changed some of its rules making the programme more flexible.


The Board took note of the report.

Mrs Cay Sevon from Turku informed the meeting about the DIRECTORIA V – an event to be organised by the European Commission in Strasbourg, on 24-26 February 1997. DIRECTORIA V shall give opportunity to meet partners for EU Programmes (OUVERTURE II and RECITE II) and to initiate potential projects under experts guidelines.

Additionally, point 10.3 of the Agenda i.e. INTERREG IIC and PHARE/TACIS countries was taken up. At the last UBC Executive Board meeting in Pärnu the Board discussed potentials of joint projects within INTERREG IIC (EU countries) and PHARE/TACIS programmes (non-EU countries).

Having in mind above Mr Anders Engström proposed that the UBC Board member cities from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia will send letters to the governments of their countries urging them to earmark certain resources within respectively PHARE/TACIS programmes for joint projects with INTERREG IIC.


The Board commissioned UBC Executive Board member cities from mentioned countries to send proposed letters.

Information from the Secretary.

UBC Baltic Cities Bulletin.

Mr Paweł Żaboklicki referred to the XV UBC Executive Board meeting in Pärnu when the Board discussed the ways to develop UBC newsletter – Union’s major communication and marketing tool. The Board decided to appoint the Editorial Board to be responsible for planning, development and production of the newsletter. The Editorial Board met on 8-10 November 1996 at the UBC Secretariat in Gdańsk and worked out the strategy for UBC newsletter named Baltic Cities Bulletin (BCB) i.e. contents, layout, target groups, production plan for 1997 etc. The Editorial Board made also a practical work – text preparation and edition – of the first issue of BCB.

The new bulletin was printed and distributed (3000 copies) to all member cities and various Baltic and European institutions in December 1996. The Editorial Board decided, that in 1997 three issues of BCB will be published.


The Board expressed its satisfaction from the work of BCB Editorial Board and urged it to continue its efforts.

Financial report for the year 1996.

Secretary Paweł Żaboklicki submitted UBC financial report for 1996. According to the Executive Board recommendation apart from UBC income and expenditure the report includes extra contributions from member cities in 1996 (mainly costs of Commissions secretariats) as well as UBC projects with external funding.


The Board adopted the report.

Additionally, Mr Olaf P. Christensen from Aarhus put forward a proposal to investigate possibilities to support the work of UBC President with annual financial contribution.


The Board authorized Mr Olaf P. Christensen and Mr Michael Bouteiller, UBC Vice-President to make an investigation in question and submit a concrete proposal to the next meeting of UBC Executive Board.

UBC-Gdańsk agreement on UBC Secretariat.

Mr Andrzej Jankowski Secretary of the City of Gdańsk, on behalf of Mr Tomasz Posadzki, Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, informed that the City of Gdańsk is ready to maintain and finance UBC Secretariat in Gdańsk in the Green Gate for another period.


The Board welcomed the offer of the City of Gdańsk and decided to recommend the next UBC General Conference to maintain the UBC Secretariat in Gdańsk in the Green Gate.

IV UBC General Conference, Gdańsk, 12-13 September 1997.

Status of preparations.

Mr Paweł Żaboklicki reminded, that according to the decision of Executive Board made in Pärnu, the IV UBC General Conference in Gdańsk will be a Baltic Sea Cooperation Forum during which major actors of Baltic cooperation shall discuss the future of the Baltic Sea Region.

Mr Żaboklicki informed that all preparations to the IV UBC General Conference are going well and the City of Gdańsk is warmly expecting the representatives of all 69 UBC member cities to come to Gdańsk on 12-13 September 1997.


The Board took note of the report and encouraged all member cities to be represented at the IV UBC General Conference in Gdańsk.

Other matters.

Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region.

This point of the Agenda was treated under point 4.3.

Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region.

This point of the Agenda was not treated due to the absence of Mr Bo Löwendahl, Member of VASAB 2010 Committee on Spatial Development who was requested to introduce the subject.

Interreg II C and Phare/Tacis countries.

This point of the Agenda was treated under point 6.

UBC publicity.

Ms Sonja Hilavuo, chairman of UBC Task Force for Public Relations and Communication introduced further ideas on UBC Baltic Cities Bulletin development as well as some new initiatives regarding UBC publicity. Ms Hilavuo informed, that Task Force members will be provided with an action plan on UBC publicity strengthening.


The Board took note of the report.

Information on IV UBC Women’s Conference in Kalmar.

Mrs Hjördis Höglund from Sundsvall submitted report on the activities of UBC Women’s Network and invited representatives of all interested member cities to participate in the IV UBC Women’s Conference, to be held in Kalmar in association with Nordic Women Week, 20-25 May 1997. Mrs Höglund encouraged those member cities which have not yet appointed their representatives to the UBC Women’s Network to do so.


The Board took note of the report.

UBC role in local business promotion – the seminar.

Mr Anders Engström maintained the proposal submitted at the XV UBC Executive Board Meeting in Pärnu, to organize, jointly with BCCA, the seminar on UBC role in local business promotion, to be held in Kalmar, in association with 8th Hansa Business Days, 22-23 April 1997.


The Board authorized the cities of Kalmar and Turku and the Project Manager to proceed, in connection with UBC Secretariat, with seminar organization.

Reports from conferences attended by Union’s representatives.

The following delegates submitted reports from the conferences and meetings where they represented the Union of the Baltic Cities:

– Conference “The Elderly and the Society”, Copenhagen, 20-25 Sept. 1996 – the report was submitted under point 4.4.

– IV Conference on Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation, Vaasa, 17-18 October 1996 – reported by Mr Anders Engström.

– Conferences of Ministers of Environment and Spatial Planning, Stockholm, 20-22 Oct. 1996 – the report was submitted under point 4.3.

– II European Conference on Sustainable Cities, Lisbon, 6-8 October 1996 – reported by Mr Paweł Żaboklicki and Mr Mikko Jokinen.

– Global Cities 21 Meeting, Lisbon, 8-9 October 1996 – reported by Mr Mikko Jokinen.

– “Highway to sustainability”, Copenhagen, 18-19 November 1996 – reported by Mr Carl Nielsen.

– Basic-Start-Conference, Lübeck, 6 December 1996 – the report was submitted under point 4.4.

– WHO Baltic Healthy Cities Meeting, Turku, 23-24 January 1997 – reported by Mrs Cay Sevon.

Matters submitted at the meeting.

* Mr Anders Engström informed, that Mr Jaak Tamm has retired as a Mayor of the City of Tallinn and thus has asked to be relieved from the position of UBC Vice-President.

The Board expressed its gratitude to Mr Jaak Tamm for his substantial contribution to the work for the Union of the Baltic Cities.

* Mr Juhan Janusson informed, that on 9-11 October 1997, the conference for industrial designers from Nordic and Baltic countries will be held in Kalmar. The organizers asked the UBC to support this event.


The Board decided to give UBC support to the conference.

* Mr Anders Engström recommended the Executive Board member cities to organize, before the next General Conference, national meetings of Union members to discuss UBC matters.

Next Meeting of the Executive Board.

Mr Ingmar Ljones, Mayor of the City of Bergen maintained the proposal of Bergen to host the XVII meeting of the UBC Executive Board and proposed the date 7th of June 1997.


The Board accepted the proposal of the city of Bergen and decided to hold its next meeting in Bergen, on the 7th of June 1997.

Closing of the Meeting.

The Chairman of the Meeting, Mr Anders Engström expressed his thanks to the City of Stockholm for hosting the delegation and closed the XVI Meeting of the Executive Board of the Union of the Baltic Cities.

Mr Anders Engström                                        Mr Paweł Żaboklicki

Chairman                                                        Secretary

Mrs Hjördis Höglund                                         Mr Dag Larsson

Adjuster                                                           Adjuster